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Rokovnik, aforizmi in pesmi

Z ilustracijami Metode Umek in kozmogrami Ajre Miška (kozmogrami so energijske slike, namenjene zdravljenju in prebujanju srčne čakre).


Knjiga je nastala v celoti na spletu, prvi pesniški del v enem dnevu med Brusljem in Slovenijo. Poigravanja dveh neznancev, ki sta se našla v verzih na spletu in zaplesala ples, ki je ena sama radost do življenja. Ob neki temi sem napisala komentar v verzih in dobila odgovor v verzih in rodile so se pesmi in rodila se je knjiga, prva slovenska knjiga, ki je nastala v celoti v živo na spletu v letu 2004-2005 in izšla leto kasneje pri založbi Mondena. Aforizmi v tej knjigi so soavtorjevo delo in so vezani predvsem na temo erotike in ljubezni.

Glas ženske in glas moškega, glas zapeljivke in glas osvajalca, glasova, ki se tudi skozi naslednje tri zbirke prepleteta kot jin in jang. Tema in svetloba, ki se dopolnjujeta v modro – lila barvi. Energijske podobe, kozmogrami- so simboli večne ljubezni, ki je na hrbtni strani knjige v negativu in na sprednji strani je presekana!kdo se more dičiti z dejstvom, da je njegova ljubezen večna? Kdo lahko da zagotovila, da bo večno ljubil? Nihče.


Knjiga je imela izjemen uspeh. Prodanih je bilo okrog dva tisoč zvodov. Rnjigo je izdala založba Mondena.




Agenda, aphorisms and poems 2007-2008

with illustrations of Metoda Umek and cosmograms of Ajra Miška (cosmograms are energy images intended for the treatment and awakening of the heart chakra).


The book was created entirely online- the first poetic part was completed in one day between Brussels and Slovenia. Playings in verses of two strangers online who found each other and created a dance which was nothing more than the great joy of life.

I wrote a comment on one topic in the verses and received an answer in the verses and poems were born and the book was born, the first Slovenian book, which was entirely live on the web in 2004-2005 and was released a year later by the Mondena publisher. The aphorisms in this book are the co-author's work and are primarily related to the theme of eroticism and love.

The voice of a women and the voice of a man, the voice of seduction and the voice of the conqueror, the voices that are interwoven through the next three collections as jin and jang. Darkness and light complemented by blue - lila color. Energy images, cosmograms - symbols of eternal love, which is one on the back of the book is on negative and other on the cover is cutted!

Who can dabble with the fact that his love is eternal? Who can guarantee that he will love forever? Nobody.

The book was successful. About two thousand copies were sold.Published by Mondena.

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